Sunday, 3 June 2007

Transition Town Lewes - housing 2

The second Transition Town Lewes housing event was an "open space" meeting. I missed the first of our open spaces, but I really enjoyed this one. It was the first real opportunity I'd had to discuss politics issues, without having to make immediate decisions, in about 2 years!

The open space format was quite interesting. There was no advance agenda, but the day was structured. There was an introductory session, an agenda setting session, four timeslots for parallel discussions, and a reporting back session.

We were in the market lane garage, in North Street, in one large open space. Six locations were designated, so up to six discussions could take place at one. Anyone could create a session, by picking a topic, time and location. During the sessions, everyone was free to move between groups, to find the most interesting discussion.

It was all quite informal, but each discussion was recorded, to feed into Transition Town Lewes' future work. And, interesting discussions were had, new contacts made and new ideas discovered.

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