Sunday 31 August 2008

Royal harvest.

Here's our harvest of late spuds. 34 pounds of King Edwards. That's
about 15 quids worth.

Wednesday 27 August 2008

ESCC's annual report

East Sussex County Council have just released their annual report. For the first time, it reports carbon (or "environmental') footprint targets.

There's a table of baseline emissions for 2001/2. Unfortunately, it doesn't state the units, but I think they're tonnes of CO2. The total is almost 38,000t, with schools accounting for 61% of that. Street lighting (17%), social services (12%) and business mileage (5.3%) account for most of the rest.

The good news is that their CO2 emissions have dropped by 20% since the baseline year. Unfortunately, they don't give a comparable breakdown, or say how they've achieved this - though they do give some examples.

Friday 15 August 2008

Stuart cutting the cake.

Cutting the cake into 100 trillion pieces.

100 TB Club

The University now has 100TB (100,000GB) of storage on our Storage Area Network, and Dot Hill (our SAN supplier) gave us this cake to celebrate.

Thursday 14 August 2008

Slow travel

An easy no fly option for foreign holidays from Lewes is the Newhaven to Dieppe ferry. The crossing takes four hours, and the scenery can be somewhat uneventful. But what better way to fill the time than brushing up with French lessons? That's such a fantastic idea. OK, so you're not going to get very far if you've never learned any before, but it sounds like a great way to get into the flow and boost your confidence before you arrive.