Friday, 6 April 2007

I'm a District Council candidate.

Yesterday, Lewes District Council published [pdf] the names of candidates for the May elections. My name was among them, for the first time. I've not stood for public office before, so this is a new experience for me.

I'm lucky enough to have a very experienced and hard working bunch of people around me. Well, that's not so much down to luck: part of the reason that I joined the Lib-Dems is that they are an established party, that are doing well here. We currently are the majority party on both the Town and District councils here, as well have having the sitting MP (Norman Baker). There's no room for complacency though, the Tories aren't far behind.

Of course, I also support most of the Lib-Dems policies, locally and nationally. I also share the basic principles of the party, and think that the party tends more than most to base policies on principle rather than either dogma or (increasingly) populism.

I aim to blog daily during the campaign, so check back here regularly if you're interested to get more information that we can give in our printed literature.

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